In the book, My Love, My Love, the four gods, Asaka, the goddess of earth, Agwe, the god of sea, Ersulie, the goddess of love, and Papa Ge, the god of death, are actually interesting but important roles. They have different positions, and they have different characteristics. If I can adapt this story to a play, I will design several costumes, makeups, and colors to highlight their own unique identities.
Firstly, in a play, the characters’ costumes can show their identities, and in this case, I will make the costumes more special to distinguish the gods from humans. In general, I will make the actors wear halos on their heads, and I will use different colors to paint three lines on their faces, like what football fans always do. Another point is that other characters in this book are peasants and rich people. Peasants always wear tattered clothes, and rich people were nice suits for business. The gods were more elegant clothes, and there are shining pearls on their clothes. In short, I will show the difference between gods and human-beings by costumes and makeups.
Secondly, each of the god will have a unique color or a them, and this will fully express their different personalities. Asaka is the goddess of earth, so green will be her color. Asaka controls everything on the ground, and in my opinion, she is more like the goddess of forest. Also, she is a kind goddess. When Desire’s mother abandoned her, there was a heavy rain, but Asaka used the wind to protect her from the rain. Asaka has a kind and pure heart, and green is the color of nature. Thus, she does not wear makeup, but she wears a beautiful green dress which has some flowers and leaves as decorations. For Ersulie, the goddess of love, I make her a little different. Unlike other goddesses of love, Ersulie will be a older lady. She is wise and kind. She knows love, and she is willing to help lovers. For this goddess, pink will represent her, because pink is a the color of love. Moreover, sea or water are always blue, therefore, I give blue to Agwe. Agwe is an emotional god, and this is interesting. He is mad at Desire’s mother, because she abandoned her daughter. Then Agwe uses a heavy rain to punish people, but he does not think of the little baby. He is not a very rational or mature god, but he has integrity. Thus, this god might be a teenager. He knows justice, but he is not considerate enough. Also, blue is the color of vigor, so Agwe will have blue hair and a blue skate board. In addition, the god of death is always the most mysterious god. He always brings bad news to people, so black will be his color. In the play, Papa Ge will always wear a long black robe, and he always wears the hat. Thus, people will never see his face, or people just do not want to see. Consequently, each god or goddess in the play will has his/her own characteristics, and their costumes or makeups are all designed according to their characteristics.
In conclusion, the four gods have different gender and different characteristics. It is not hard to distinguish them from other characters, and we make their costumes different to achieve this. However, it is difficult to fully express the unique of the four gods. In the play, I will first give each of them a color which represent their characteristics, and then design the costumes. The four gods are in different ages, so it is good for audience to distinguish them.